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The experience acquired by SANTO ANDRÉ ENGENHARIA in obtaining financing approvals from banking institutions is at your disposal.

An increasing number of Brazilians have been achieving the dream of home ownership in recent years, the increase in financing facilities, and government programs such as Minha Casa Minha Vida have contributed greatly to this growth.

We are a family owned and operated business.

However, another important factor that helped in this increase was the figure of the banking correspondent, who came to help in the decentralization of assistance on financing, previously done only by banks.

We are a family owned and operated business.

SANTO ANDRÉ ENGENHARIA assists its clients in obtaining financing, following the entire process with the correspondent banking partners who are in charge of the entire real estate financing process, from the collection of documents and analysis of the financing to the monitoring of the document's signature at the Bank. .

We are a family owned and operated business.

Caixa Econômica Federal is currently the public bank that most finances real estate in Brazil, but it is not the only institution to have this service. Currently, practically all banks have the service of correspondent or bank agent.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Among the advantages of hiring an agent or correspondent are agility and speed, in addition to convenience. Consumers who choose the service need not worry about the costs of their remuneration, they are paid by the bank as a commission for closed deals.

We are a family owned and operated business.

But before you go looking for a property, you need to know how much it will cost. This step is important, as it is necessary to keep in mind the amount of financing that can be released by the bank. As with any credit assessment, this number will depend on several factors, such as the income and ages of each family.

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This is a process where correspondents are of great help, since it is no longer necessary to go directly to bank branches to discover this value. To make this consultation, the interested buyer must present a copy of the income tax, their income vouchers, and personal documents such as RG and CPF.

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After this step, the buyer and the real estate agents can start searching for available properties.

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At this point it is important to make sure that neither the seller nor the property has any restrictions. In the case of the seller, the pending issues can be researched at Serasa, the SPC and the Federal Revenue. The property, on the other hand, must have its documentation regularized at the city hall and at the Real Estate Registry Office, and cannot be pending on the mortgage or inventory, for example.

We are a family owned and operated business.

SANTO ANDRÉ ENGENHARIA is ready to offer you all the necessary support for the conquest of your new property.

Please contact us .

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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